Conformance Improvement

Conformance Improvement

divert plus icon conformance improvement products are temporary or permanent particulates used to improve sweep efficiency in reservoirs with fracturing, faulting, or other high permeability channels. These specialized diverting agents are manufactured uniquely based on specific reservoir requirements to provide a plugging mechanism for high conductivity channels, allowing divert plus icon products to be used in conjunction with other more traditional conformance improvement systems. These products are designed for periodic deployment on an as-needed basis through either the existing injection equipment or (in the case of more-severe channeling) via external pumping equipment.

Key Design Factors


Low cost application on as-needed basis


Variable lifespan (including permanent) options available


Precision manufactured to exact specifications needed


Does not alter chemistry of injected fluids


Easily removed from reservoir if desired

Benefits and Outcomes


Improved sweep efficiency


Increased injection pressure


Enhanced performance of foams, gels, resins, etc.


DiverterPlus develops custom products to address our customer’s challenges and also aids in the design, implementation, and performance analysis of these products to optimize our customer’s operations from start to end. In addition, we provide objective consultation about what we can do for customers who are unaware of solutions that we may come up with.

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