Near Wellbore Diversion(NWB)

Near Wellbore Diversion(NWB)


Click here to learn more about our collaboration with Seismos to develop intelligent near wellbore diversion

divert plus icon NWB products are temporary diverting materials used to increase cluster efficiency and/or reduce stage count in fracturing treatments. During placement, divert plus icon is a solid non-toxic polymer capable of blocking perforation tunnels and fractures near the wellbore. After the product’s designed service life, the diverter will hydrolyze into a clear, non-hazardous liquid. This process is driven simply by time and bottom-hole temperature requiring no additional remedial work. DiverterPlus™ blends are unique multi-modal blends of particles for optimized transport and plugging performance.

Key Design Advantages


Improved Perf/Cluster Efficiency


Reduced Stage Count


Controlled Fracture Geometry


Low Viscosity Transport

Benefits and Outcomes


Increased initial production


Improved decline curve


Reduced completion time


Increased Stimulated Reservoir Volume


DiverterPlus develops custom products to address our customer’s challenges and also aids in the design, implementation, and performance analysis of these products to optimize our customer’s operations from start to end. In addition, we provide objective consultation about what we can do for customers who are unaware of solutions that we may come up with.

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