Far Field Diversion (FF)

Far Field Diversion (FF)

divert plus icon powders for use in far field applications are temporary diverting materials used to divert fracturing treatments. During placement, divert plus icon is a solid degradable polymer material capable of arresting Fracture Half Length growth to mitigate Frac hits on offset wellbores as well as faults. After successfully controlling fracture growth, the diverter is designed to hydrolyze to a clear, non-hazardous liquid. This process is driven simply by time, temperature, and pressure in the presence of water, meaning that no additional remedial work is necessary. divert plus icon powders are designed to be run in conjunction with proppant to facilitate the needed limitation of fracture growth.

Key Design Advantages


Improved Fracture Complexity


Controlled Height Growth


Long Distance Transport


High Pressure Performance

Benefits and Outcomes


Mitigate offset well interaction


Improved decline curve


Increased Stimulated Reservoir Volume


Optimized proppant placement


DiverterPlus develops custom products to address our customer’s challenges and also aids in the design, implementation, and performance analysis of these products to optimize our customer’s operations from start to end. In addition, we provide objective consultation about what we can do for customers who are unaware of solutions that we may come up with.

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